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Classical World of Darkness => Vampire the Masquerade => Giovanni Chronicles => Topic started by: Kapten on January 24, 2022, 03:46:53 PM

Title: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on January 24, 2022, 03:46:53 PM
Giovanni Chronicles IV - Nuova Malattia

Act One of Four - First Communion

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.
-Romans 13:1

Scene One - The Invitation

"Will you walk into my parlour?" said a spider to a fly;
" 'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy.
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I have many pretty things to shew when you are there."

-The Spider and the Fly, Mary Howitt, 1829

The date is August 14th, 1929. Boston is still in the grip of a summer heat wave. As the heat rises, tempers grow short. Arguments that would have been resolved with words spill over into violence. Kids on the north end knock open fire hydrants to cool off. Those not stuck at work seek refuge by the Charles River. Even so, times are good. Europe, still bleeding from the wounds of the Great War, is dependent on US-manufactured goods, and so industry is thriving. Unemployment is low. Automobiles are everywhere. These Roaring 20's have been good to America, and yet organized crime infests the big cities. The Prohibition has been in effect for a full decade, and where there is a demand for alcohol a black market will inevitably rise. Boston is no different. Bootleggers, moonshiners, smugglers, mafiosi - all are getting rich supplying the public with their illicit needs. This is the stage where our story begins.


Tuesday morning has started off like every other morning for you. Mother is in the kitchen, on her second cigarette, making breakfast for you and your sister. After breakfast she will divide the day's errand list between you and your sister before rushing away to her office job. You remember her being happier when father still lived at home. Then she didn't have to work for a living. He would show up late, usually, always with some new present he'd picked up during his workday - one day a mink coat, another day five pounds of salami - kiss mother in the hallway, then pour himself a drink.

The ringing of the doorbell breaks you out of your daydreaming. "Sera, get the door!" Mother shouts from the kitchen.


It's almost noon when you wake up. Your head hurts and your mouth is dry. You've been sleeping on the bed this evening at least, so that's progress. Leaving the bottle on the bedside table, not so good. But then you're not expecting anyone, and you're pretty sure you locked your front door, so the chances of anyone stumbling on your secret stash is not likely. Truth be told, you could easily stay in bed, but the sun's rays are cutting through the blinds right into your eyes, and besides it's too hot. Better to get up, splash some water on your face and become presentable.

There's a knock on your door. "Knock-knock, Doc. Time's a-wastin'." Well, so much for making yourself presentable. At least you fell asleep in your clothes.


It's late afternoon when you're down by the wharf. It's been a busy, if entirely ordinary day. Abner's been doing the books all day and quizzed you for legitimate sounding phraseology to cover up your less legal business ventures. The two of you like to make a game of it, finding increasingly absurd yet technically legal, language for the books. Eventually, Abner's pleased with what he's got, telling you to call it a day. He can handle the rest from here. And a good thing. The heat in the office was getting to be too much. So, you're down by your trusty boat, enjoying the peace and quiet.

"Permission to come aboard, captain?" You know that nasal whine, mixed with a thick Boston accent. It can only be Harold Rothenstein, aka Hank the Fixer. Hank's got his fingers in all manner of pies, and he's been your go-between with Mr A. Giovanni.


It's in the evening by the time you make it to the Flamingo. It's been a dull day of working on your essay, hammering keys on your typewriter and wiping the sweat from your brow. You'd rather have been outside than cooped up in your little fief, but deadlines are deadlines. Finally, when you felt your conscience was clean enough, you took a shower, put on your best suit and made it to the Flamingo, hoping for a night of swing dancing and drinking. The Flimflam is double jeopardy - not only is it a speakeasy, but also a place for Boston's queer underground to hang out and be themselves.

By the time you make it to the bar you've made all of the familiar faces. The one seating himself down next to your stool is not a regular but you recognize him instantly. Hank the Fixer. A friend of the family. Hank's a short, stout, man with traditional Semitic features. He's wearing unnecessarily thick glasses and a clearly expensive suit that he doesn't look quite right in. His face splits into a big, mischievous grin. "Izzy! What's shaking? Fancy meeting you a place like this."

[spoilers]Here we go, gang! Tell us a little bit about your character: how they look, how they dress, their surroundings, how they feel about Hank. Any mistakes on my part about your character I apologize for in advance. This scene is here to establish who you are, so I'm not against making minor edits during this scene to fit the narrative.

Have fun![/spoilers]
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: ColossusCrusher on January 24, 2022, 11:42:33 PM
What an absolute horseshit of a day. Sure, The Family had got her a job in the typing pool after her attempts at actual independence had floundered in the face of institutional sexism but clawing her way out of that place into the upper-level secretarial pool was all her. No way was she going to stay in a place that sounded like a construction site for eight hours a day. Oh, and lovely. Four-thirty and Susie was finally allowed to leave that manager's office. Poor thing's dress and hair were completely tousled, and her makeup was a mess. She got up and put an arm around Susie's shoulder, leading her to the washroom where she helped her regain her composure after a two-hour "planning meeting". Thank God she was a Giovanni - none of those pigs were going to even think about touching her like that.

By the time Susie had gotten herself put together it was time to go home, and she rushed back to her small apartment, throwing off her work dress before peeling off her tights - at least hemlines were getting shorter, so she didn't have to wear crap all the way down to her ankles now. Ugh. She brushed her shoulder-length brown hair a bit after her shower before putting on a fresh white blouse and her black suit, leaving a few buttons open. She finished the look with a leather necktie that she left artfully loose around her throat, before applying some light makeup to add some contrast to the look. With that set up, she headed off to The Flamingo. Hopefully Kate was working the bar tonight - she could pour a mean cocktail.

Once inside she spent a few moments talking up the girls - and getting a good drink from Kate, slipping a nickel into her shirt pocket with a wink and a kiss to the cheek. And then Hank showed up. Ah well, time to get to work. "Hank, if you're ever actually surprised by something, at any point in your life, I'll eat my fucking tie. And don't call me Izzy. Only my girlfriends get to call me that, and you're not one. So, what's bringing you here, apart from the charming clientele?"
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Munch on January 25, 2022, 09:24:10 PM
Serafina had been getting ready for the day. She had already picked out todays dress before she went to bed the night before. A powder blue dress that went sufficiently below her knees and and was overlain with a lace pattern that covered both the collar and waist. She had been meaning to wear it out for quite some time but today she finally decided to wear it when she and a couple of girls from the neighborhood were going for a walk. before lunch. As she was finishing dressing, she was considering what else had to be done for the day.

She had to do some studying. Even though Aunt Isabel had stopped sending her new reading materials, she had still continued reading and re-reading the books and letters she had sent her before, and kept finding new things that were interesting to her in them. Then it would be time to help mother with some chores before they were having guests over, some of fathers old associates. They came by once in a while to check up on his wife and children to make sure everything was well, she would have to be well prepared.

She was taken out of her thoughts when the door rang, and her mother called for her to open, so left her and her sister's bedroom, and went to open the door.

She immediately recognized the man outside, Hank she believes was his name, and gave him a pleasant smile, the one reserved for people she did not particularly like but whom she knew she had to make sure liked her, and greeted him. "Hank. Che ci fai qui così presto? La mamma sta ancora preparando la colazione."

[Hank. What are you doing here so early? Mother is still preparing breakfast.]
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Rex Vulpes on January 27, 2022, 07:24:43 PM
"I heard you the first time," Leonard shouter into his pillow. He had heard and prayed they would go away and leave him alone. He was certain he had no appointments scheduled that day. The University didn't make him teach on Tuesdays, and his office hours were, at best, a suggestion only. No one cared where he went or what he did on Tuesdays, which was always what made Monday nights a source of temptation. He opened his eyes. The hateful light of day was a knife across his corneas, and Leonard cursed as he sat upright. At least he'd taken his glasses off before he'd passed out. They were right there, earpieces over the bottle like they were giving it the hug Leonard wanted to. He slid them on his face, pressed them up the bridge of his nose in a familiar gesture, and got up. His shirt didn't stink too badly of sweat, but he'd taken his collar off and couldn't be asked to find a new one to pin on. Besides. No one needed to wear a collar and jacket to answer their own front door first thing in the afternoon.

"What?" he asked, opening the door and bracing himself for the light that would assault his aching head like a battering ram.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Ominous Presence on January 29, 2022, 12:36:47 AM
Moses turns to greet Hank, hands still pulling in the line he was preparing to stow. The afternoon sun hadn't yet touched the water, so Moses held one hand to his forehead to get a better look at Hank's face. "Permission granted." He is hopeful that this means Mr. A is looking to procure his services again. Despite showing up a bit worse for wear, he had made a valiant effort to secure his last delivery. He offers his guest a hand aboard, knowing Hank isn't one for boats himself.

"What's the word? I wasn't expecting company, but if you're thirsty..." Moses nods to one of the hidden compartments that makes this boat so useful to him.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on January 29, 2022, 11:00:26 AM

Hank offered a big, friendly smile in return, one that turned slightly confused as Serafina greeted him. He was a short, stout man of Jewish ancestry, with thick glasses and wearing an expensive suit that probably cost as much as Serafina's whole wardrobe. "Ciao, Serafina! You gotta slow down, kiddo. It's hard for us non-natives to keep up at times." Non-natives. Originally made up several different Mediterranean ethnicities, since the 20's Boston's North End was majority Italian-American. The growing influx of Italian immigrants had since turned the North End from the slum it had originally been, and they had taken a great pride in their restoration efforts. "How've you been, kiddo?"

Serafina's mother suck her head out the kitchen door again, a stern look of disapproval on her face as Hank took his hat off and proceeded to hang his coat. "Hank? We don't have the time. I have to go to work and then the girls are leaving for the day."

"Just a cup of coffee, ma'am."

Chiarina rolled her eyes. "Fine. But then you have to leave. The girls have their chores."

Hank's return smile was slightly unnerving. "Serafina's excused from her chores. In fact, I came here to talk to her."


The dining room had been cleared for Serafina and Hank. The man sipped his coffee, seemingly oblivious to the tension from Chiarina as she cleared out the breakfast plates, (but not before Hank snatched a pastry), leaving Sera and Rothenstein alone. "So how's your studies going?"


Opening the door, Leonard was met by the sight of Harold Rothenstein, "Hank the Fixer." Hank had an uncanny way of finding what you wanted. Booze, gats, girls, legal papers... whatever you needed, Hank could connect you to a guy. Since Leonard's unfortunate change of circumstance, Hank had been a presence in Dr Test's periphery. And here he was at the front door.

"Jeez louise, doc! Crack open a window!" Hank grimaced playfully. "I'd offer you a cigarette but now I'm worried I'd ignite the fumes."


Hank accepted the proffered hand, stepping aboard Moses' boat. The stout man clearly didn't have his sea legs about him. "Hell, captain, why not? Such a beautiful day for refreshments." As the pair moved towards the cabin, Hank kept talking. "That last job you did? Our mutual friend was very impressed." The man seated himself at the table, hanging his hat on a nearby hook, licking his lips unconsciously at the prospect of a stiff drink.


Hank chuckled at Isabella's comment, ordering a gin and tonic. "Would you believe me if I told you I'm here for you?" Hank's expression turned from one of levity to seriousness. "We need to talk about your family, Isabella." The impact of those words was interrupted by Kate sliding Hank's drink to him, earning her a crisp dollar bill from the guy.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Munch on January 29, 2022, 01:07:41 PM
She gave him an apologetic smile when he complained about now understanding her speech and nodded, and switched to her accented English as she responded to his query. "I am doing well, Hank, thank you." She stopped talking when her mother appeared, and was about to hand Hank back his hat, before he had talked her mother into letting him stay. So she in stead led him into the dining room, before she brought him his coffee, setting it down in front of him before she sat at the other end of the table.

She did not like Hank. It was not because he was Jewish, well not only because he was Jewish, he just had a way about him that made her skin crawl. She knew enough about the family that she knew that the Giovanni family and the Rothsteins had a closely knit business relationship, but she did not know how. she only hoped that Hank was not here to discuss what she was afraid he was there to talk about, because she did not relish the thought of having to marry this rat-like old man, but with the way he was taking charge with her mother about what she could and could not do, this was where she feared the conversation would go.

She did her utmost not to let any of this show as she sat down with Hank, smiling to him at his question. "I am doing very well, I believe, Hank. My aunt is helping me as much as she can, sending me materials to read and experiment with. And mother is helping me with understanding the job of a secretary, so that I can take on a job like that once I move away from home."
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Rex Vulpes on January 29, 2022, 03:38:43 PM
"Hank," Leonard said, genuine pleasure in his face and voice. He stuck out his hand, giving the Fixer a good shake. Hank was a good one. He reminded Leonard of one of his favorite professors from his days as a student in London. That man had been a Jew too. "Why don't you come in old man? I'm sure there's some coffee on the stove."

There was, in fact, a pot of hot coffee ready to go, because Leonard had been about to have his usual breakfast of bourbon and black coffee with a cigarette. He made the same meal for Hank, minus the booze and cigarette, and sat down with the man at his kitchen table. "What brings you around to see an old sinner like me?"
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: ColossusCrusher on January 29, 2022, 05:12:12 PM
Isabella groaned and put her head in hands, before stopping Kate before she left. She passed her fifty cents, "Whisky neat, make it a double. I'm gonna need it." She waited for the drink to arrive, then took a long pull before putting it down.

"What the fuck do those assholes want, Hank? If it's about work or a husband, I swear to God I'm going to kill someone."
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Ominous Presence on February 06, 2022, 02:31:24 AM
The interior of the boat is well-ordered, well-polished, but also well-worn. Moses wasn't willing to ask his family for the funds for a brand new vessel, and he and Abner agreed that it would be best to keep this one separate from any business records, so he got it himself. It has so far been worth every penny.

Moses takes down a pair of tin cups hanging from pegs, reaches into a concealed panel inside a cabinet, and produces a bottle of whiskey and pours some for both himself and for Hank. Handing one of the cups to his guest, Moses leans against the bulkhead and takes a long, slow sip. "I'm glad Mr. A was pleased with my efforts. Are you here on his behalf?"
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on February 06, 2022, 08:00:22 AM

Hank smiled to himself as Serafina talked about becoming a secretary, as if enjoying some joke at her expense. He took a sip of his coffee and winced as her burned his tongue. Grimacing as he swallowed, he answered. "That's good. Having plans is good, but is that the future you want? Working a desk job when you could be having a family to take care of?" Hank blew on his coffee, not making the same mistake twice, then looked at Sera with a deadpan expression. "Do you think that's the future your aunt wants for you?"


Hank Rothenstein had a strong, firm grip, which one'd never expect by looking at the man - he was of a stout build, but hardly a strong man. Hank doffed his coat and hat before he took his seat and eyed the steaming cup of coffee, a bit warily for some reason, before pulling a silver cigarette case from the inner pocket of his jacket. He picked a cigarette out for himself before offering one to Leonard. Producing a matchbook ("WINNERS - FOR THE SMOKER" it announced gaily), Hank struck a match.

"Well, doc. People are concerned." Hank leaned in, looking at Leonard from under his brow. "They helped get you away from that little indiscretion of yours, got you set up here till you got back on your feet... Then what? Is this what you should be doing? Teaching? Those who can't do, teach. Is that you, Lenny?"
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on February 06, 2022, 04:18:12 PM

"Ding-ding-ding! Got it it one, cap!" Hank raised his cup in salute to Moses before taking a sip of his own. "Mr. A wanted me to deliver something to you, for a change." Hank reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out an envelope, then stopped before handing it over. "Are you a man of faith, Moses? With a name like that I guess you get that question a lot."


Hank chuckled, despite the seriousness of the topic at hand. "Look, I'll tell you what you already know first: Your parents haven't changed their minds. You come home and marry yourself a nice Italian boy, and they won't cut you off from the family fortune any longer." Hank shrugged and took a deep sip of his gin, smacking his lips. "But I'm not here on their behalf. I'm here because Andreas wants you back."

Andreas Giovanni. Isabella's shadowy uncle. While everyone in the family knew Andreas was the shot-caller in the family, few had actually met him, much less spoken to him at any length. He would show up at family functions in the evening, offer a perfunctory nod or greeting, before taking key family members aside to discuss business behind closed doors. As for the business? The Globe called him a "local businessman and philanthropist", which was true. When he arrived in 1920, Andreas had sunk a lot of the family wealth into restoring Boston's North End from the slum it had become to a bustling neighborhood for the Italian-American community. And yet, there was an aura of danger around the man.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: ColossusCrusher on February 06, 2022, 04:28:49 PM
Isabella frowned and took a drink as she thought. Andreas? That didn't make any sense. "That's odd. What would he want a disgrace like me for? All I do is be a raging bitch. There's a catch here, but I'll be damned if I can see it from here. Did he say anything about why or what's the idea here?"
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on February 06, 2022, 05:17:25 PM

Hank shrugged his shoulders again. "Andreas cares about the family. 'A house divided against itself', all that jazz. He wants you to come back home, your parents' wishes be damned." Hank reached into his his jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope. "Consider this his olive branch."
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Munch on February 06, 2022, 08:19:46 PM
Serafina nodded in response to Hank continuing down the line of questioning she expected him to. Nothing he was saying told her she had been wrong in her assumption but she did not want to come right out and tell him so for now so in stead chose to simply answer his questions more directly, looking down at her hands as she spoke.

"Of course, I am sure my husband will want children. Once I am married. But until then any new starting family will need extra income to start out on their own. And once the children are grown, I hope my husband will allow me to go back to working outside the house." She took a pause for a moment and then nodded again in response to his last query. "I am certain Aunt Isabel wants me to be the best I can be, both for the family and for myself."

With the last words she looked up at Hank again, reading his reaction to her words.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Rex Vulpes on February 06, 2022, 09:09:00 PM
Leonard sat and stared at Hank for a long moment. It was not to buy time to think of a response, but rather a chance for him to let the drugs take effect. Booze to calm him down. Caffeine to spin him up. And the cigarette to put a sharp burn on everything. He got to a place where they all sort of balanced each other out and left him in a state of what he could only call an annoying calm. When he was there, he exhaled a twin tail of blue smoke through his nose and smiled.

"Then what, Hank? Then I drink and fuck and smoke my way to my grave. Along the way I'll do whatever I can for the family. I'm not so far gone that these hands have started to jitter. Look here." He held out his hand. Steady as a rock. "But if you're trying to get me pissed off by saying I've lost my touch. I can only teach now. Well. Next time you need your gall bladder out, let the fucking janitor do it. Then tell me how much teachers at a medical school do for society.

"Come on, Hank. You're better than this. So I like to have a good time. What's the big fucking deal?"
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on February 07, 2022, 12:02:22 PM

Hank sat in thoughtful silence for a moment, not touching his coffee, instead clasping his hands and resting his chin on them. "You know what? You might be more right than you know, kiddo." Hank reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out an envelope, handing it to Serafina. "Go ahead, you can open it right away."


Hank raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Lenny, bubbeleh! No one's saying don't have a good time. Seeing some of the skirts on my walk to your place, who can blame you?" Hank grinned conspiratorially, before sobering his expression. "You say you still got it, I'll take your word for it, and that's all she wrote. But it's not me you have to convince." Hank reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a white, non-descript envelope, handing it over to Leonard.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: ColossusCrusher on February 07, 2022, 01:44:57 PM
Isabella rolled her eyes and took the envelope. "Alright, let's see what this is all about," she said, opening it.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Rex Vulpes on February 07, 2022, 04:42:11 PM
Leonard took the envelope from Hank. Almost to prove a point, he went to his knife block and took out a little paring knife. Expertly, he slit the envelope free hand, parting the paper in as close to a straight line as he could manage. When it was done, he tapped his ashes into the tray and examined the envelope's contents. "Speaking of. How's your gall bladder? Still giving you pain? Need me to..." he made a suggestive see-saw motion with the paring knife.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Munch on February 07, 2022, 08:48:45 PM
for a moment, she raised an eyebrow, questioning, as he held out the envelope, but then she reached out and took it from his hand. She took a moment looking it over, studying the paper before she carefully opened the sealant and took out the piece of paper inside.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Ominous Presence on February 09, 2022, 01:56:26 AM
Moses ponders the question, and what it could possibly have to do with the proffered envelope. Beyond attending church as part of family obligations, Moses had perhaps neglected his spiritual wellbeing. "I am a somewhat educated man, and as such I try to keep an open mind. Greater scholars than myself have pondered such mysteries and come up lacking in evidence for any conclusion. For myself, I believe there are forces at work that we cannot comprehend entirely. There is both miraculous beauty and horrific cruelty in this world, so at best we have an inconstant God. At worst, we are ourselves gods and monsters." Moses takes another long sip from his cup before reaching out his hand for the envelope.

Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on February 09, 2022, 05:53:31 PM

Inside the envelope was a handwritten letter on fine stationery with black corners. Greeting each of you by name, the message read:

It is my extreme pleasure to invite you to a midnight
Mass this Thursday, August the 16th. It is to be held at
St. Leonard’s Church. Please come alone, and do not be
late, as no one will be admitted once the Mass begins.
After the Mass, it would please me for you to remain, as
we have something of mutual import to discuss.
Yours Sincerely,
Andreas Giovanni

Hank remained seated, offering no commentary.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Munch on February 09, 2022, 06:31:32 PM
Serafina began reading the note, expecting to read some form of proposal from the man across from her. Yes, it would be strange, since he might as well have expressed it directly, but sometimes people did strange things for strange reasons. As she progressed through the note, she began realizing that this was not what the note was about, and that this might be much more interesting to her than she initially expected it to be.

She read through the note twice before she folded it again and replaced it inside the envelope and then looked back at Hank.

"I... A midnight mass. On my own? I will have to ask my mother if I can go, but if she accepts, I would be very interested. Uncle Andreas asked for me specifically?"
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: ColossusCrusher on February 10, 2022, 11:51:00 PM
Isabella read the letter, quirking her lips as she went. "Yeah, sure, I'll go. But if I'm going to have to go deal with family, I'm going to need to get a lot more drunk and dance with a lot of pretty girls to prepare for it."

She tossed back the rest of her drink and then indicated the crowd slowly growing around the dance floor, "Anything else I need to know, or can I start having a good time? You're welcome to stay, if you want to try your luck with the boys or the girls that go both ways. Nobody here is gonna get mad at you for it unless you start acting like a creep."
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Rex Vulpes on February 11, 2022, 01:37:10 PM
"Midnight Mass?" Leonard asked. He took an angry drag of his cigarette before stubbing it out in the ashtray. "Jesus Christ, Hank. I haven't been to church in years." Unaware of his own casual ironic blasphemy, Leonard refilled his coffee. He reread the invitation with a less annoyed mindset. "OK, Andreas Giovanni wants to meet with me and wants to meet with me after Mass. Fine. Anything you can tell me ahead of time? Normally my relationship with the Giovanni is less...formal than this. They show up, make an ask, I give it to them, I'm paid, everyone's happy. So why church?"
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Ominous Presence on February 12, 2022, 07:42:01 PM
Moses read the note calmly, pausing once to refill his cup and offer another to Hank before responding. Even if he weren't intensely curious about the subject of the discussion, "no" simply wasn't the answer to such a request from his most discriminating, and profitable, client. "Of course Andreas should expect my attendance, I'm honored by his invitation. I don't suppose you're free to divulge the nature of this mutually important business?"  Moses wasn't really expecting an answer, but it wouldn't hurt  to ask.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on February 13, 2022, 04:30:59 PM

Hank chuckled at Serafina's enthusiasm, taking another sip of coffee. "You bet, kiddo! He might not have been around much when you grew up, but Andreas has been paying attention. You ask your mother, but something tells me she's not going to stop you from going. Just make sure you show up on time, and remember to dress to impress." Hank put his empty cup down and checked his wrist watch. "I gotta head on out in a few minutes, but I could stick around a moment longer if you need to ask me anything. Or are you dying to tell missus Chiarina?"


"Why church? You're asking me? Believe it or not, doc, but Andreas has never invited me to Mass." Hank chuckled wryly, before turning serious again, reading the room. "Look, Lenny, I might not know the specifics, but here's the short of it. Andreas has always kept an eye on the people he does business with. It's like you said: They show up, make an ask, you give it to them, you get paid, everyone's happy. You know why they're happy? Because you don't go jawing. That's something Andreas respects: A man of integrity."


Hank made a declining gesture, then leaned in over the table. "It's not my place to say, Mo'. But I can tell you this: The only people who get a face to face with Andreas are people who've impressed him. It means he thinks you're someone worth knowing better." Hank leaned back again, smiling out the corner of his mouth. "He's also not one to waste his time, so whatever he's about to talk with you about, it's important. Your life's about to change, cap."


Hank chuckled and shook his head apologetically. "I'm afraid my dance card's full tonight. You go on and have fun with the shebas, bubeleh." Hank finished his drink and got up from his stool and picked up his coat and hat and started heading for the door. He stopped after a few steps and looked over his shoulder at Isabella. "Oh yeah, and would it kill ya to dress a little more feminine for the occasion?" He teased.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Rex Vulpes on February 13, 2022, 05:20:48 PM
"Ffff," Leonard chuffed, blowing smoke out of his nose. He didn't exactly know if he believed Hank...but what the man said had at least the veneer of plausibility. Maybe he had done a good job for his employers...his REAL employers, not Harvard University...along the way and just not known about it. The discretion Hank observed and which Andreas evidently valued was second nature to him. You couldn't be a kid named Leonardo Malatesta in King's College and not know how to keep your mouth shut, if you wanted to get through unscathed.

"All right," he said. "Tell Mr. Giovanni that I'll be there. That's my RSVP. In the meantime, if you need anything, you know where to find me."
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: ColossusCrusher on February 13, 2022, 07:44:42 PM
Isabella rolled her eyes and got up from the table before sauntering over to Hank with a smile. She lightly ran her hand down his face before landing a solid slap across his cheek with her other hand.

"Not on your life, sweetheart. Put some ice on that, I'd hate to see you get a bruise," she said coyly, walking over to the dance floor with a sway in her step and sliding her arm around Claire's waist as she watched the dancing couples with the blonde.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Munch on February 14, 2022, 12:01:08 PM
Serafina took a moment to think through the question before she shook her head and stood up. She could not imagine how Hank could answer any question she might have about Andreas or what the meeting might be about, so she just smiled to him.

"I am sure I have a lot of things to do to prepare for the mass if mother lets me go, so I will let you go. Thank you for visiting signore Rothstein."
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Ominous Presence on February 17, 2022, 03:20:49 AM
Moses mulled over Hank's reply, consciously not taking another pull of the whiskey. After a thoughtful moment he nodded. "Well that's encouraging. I suppose I'd best make sure I have appropriate attire once I've wrapped up here. Thanks for delivering this in person." He motions with the letter before tucking it in a vest pocket.

Once Hank is back ashore, he downs the last of his cup and ponders the future.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Kapten on February 24, 2022, 08:51:16 AM

Hank smiled and got up from his seat. "My pleasure, kiddo. You go tell your mother." Hank headed for the door, getting his coat and hat, stopping for a moment as his hand hovered over the door handle. "Serafina?" There was a pause as the otherwise jovial man seemed uncharacteristically muted. "Ah, never mind. Mark your calendar, kiddo. You don't wanna miss this for the world!" With that, Hank stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind him, heading out into the bright morning.


Hank nodded and grabbed his hat and coat. "Right back atcha, doc! It'll be fun, I'm sure. I hear the wine's excellent!" Hank grinned mischievously and tipped his hat to Leonard. "This is going to be good, Lenny, mark my words. Good things are coming your way."


Hank nodded, pleased with Moses' answer. Unsteady legs got him back on the quay, where he turned around and looked down at Moses, the afternoon sun blocked out by Hank's stout figure, rendering him nothing more than a silhouette. "You enjoy the rest of your evening, captain Dunsirn. Here's to smooth sailing until Thursday." With that, Hank turned and left, stepping out of the sun, it's rays bathing Moses with warmth.


Hank looked both surprised and amused as he clutched his already reddening cheek. "I suppose I deserved that one. Until next time, Ms Giovanni." With Hank out of the picture, Isabella could get back to the life that mattered to her. Claire's warm arms around her back and shoulders, her soft breath, slightly smelling of wine, whispering in her ear. "What a creep-o."
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Munch on February 28, 2022, 04:51:36 PM
As soon as Hank had left the house, Serafina went to her mother to give her the news and ask permission to go to the mass. Chiarina was momentarily hesitant, but then agreed that it would be a good idea for her daughter to go meet Uncle Andreas.

Serafina spent the next days preparing for the mass, she read up on the process as well as she could. she had no concept of the Family's own quirky versions of the ritual, but she did her best to feel prepared for it. On the night of the meeting, she put on the dress she had spent most of her money on, specifically for this event. A black dress that covered her arms and fell mid-way between her ankles and knees, and wore a matching pair of shoes. She had even gone to the hair-dresser and had her hair done up for a solemn event.

As she was standing in front of the mirror, making sure she looked perfect, she was very satisfied, and topped off the look by replacing one of the hair needles the hairdresser had used, with the silver needle her Aunt Isabel had gifted her.

Then she left to meet the Family.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: Ominous Presence on March 01, 2022, 01:09:26 AM
Moses spends the intervening time in the most productive manner possible; doing nothing and taking on no new work in the mean time. He informs Abner to hold any potential clients from his side of the business until Friday, explaining that he has a very lucrative, but potentially exclusive lead to follow on. Dusting off a bible on Wednesday evening, Moses skims the text, hopping from book to book, to re-familiarize himself with the tone. He sleeps in on Thursday, waking with plenty of time to eat a solid meal, make sure he's got a fresh suit, and arrive early enough to wait across the street for an hour or so before the indicated time.
Title: Re: Act 1 - Scene One - The Invitation
Post by: ColossusCrusher on March 04, 2022, 02:46:18 AM
Isabella pressed a soft kiss to Claire's forehead, "Family drama, just ignore it," and they danced and drank the night away.

On the evening of the mass, she put on her freshly ironed black suit - rush job and everything - and a soft pink blouse. No tie this time - she was going for classy, not hot, after all. Full makeup tonight as Andreas might be only a distant relative but he was the real head of the family, and her prized fedora to top it all off. And with that all set, she hailed a cab to go to the church.