Other Systems > Digimon: Digital Adventures

Digimon Story: Rainbow Traverse -- Chp 22

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Deep within the Network, in a place neither node nor unlike one, holographic shadows gathered around a cylindrical tank. It, and it alone, was visible within the gloom, as if reflecting the light of a noonday sun. And within the green waters contained therein, Gravimon hung, his body glitching even as black cables hooked into his torso and neck.

"++The reports are in++" said a distorted voice. "++Hotel-Alfa is irreparably damaged++"

"++Half all remaining assets relocated to Oscar-Zero++" said another voice. "++Given the ongoing anomalies on the Big Isle, it makes no sense to jeopardize Hotel-Bravo and Charlie++"

"++The loss of Lonomon's fractal code, even if just a portion of it, means we'll have to expedite operations within the region, especially now that rogue tamers are involved++"

"++It'll take time to gather further intel from the Commandramon unit and Gravimon. Exposure to the Dark Area means checking for malware corruption, made only slower by the level of injury sustained in the line of duty. In the meantime, we'll increase the monitoring of all digital traffic on the Big Isle++"



The room was dark, warm. Despite the softness of his sheets, every inch of Alemana's body felt weighed down, unwilling to move for anything. In a daze, he cracked open his heavy-lidded eyes, peeking through to see Renamon face down in her pillow.

Groaning and with far more resistance than he expected.. Al would gently pet Renamon’s ear as he tried to roll over.. but decided it was too much effort. Everything was still hurting even several days after their escapade into the Network to save Kukuimon. He then frowned as he turned his head to see his digivice on the night stand.. a soft chime indicating he got a text.. even this early in the morning. Part of him was tempted to pick it up so he could see how it was… but another part urges him to ignore it until later, he was too tired. Another.. quieter part softly dreaded that it was another message from Malie.. asking him if he wanted to come over. He had spent the last four days practically avoiding that side of town, barely doing more than lounging around the house and doing school work or spending the day with Ike. Even then his interactions had been wholly platonic, almost subdued in comparison to how they usually hung out. No kisses or intimate cuddling.. no fooling around when they thought they had privacy- just simple guy stuff. It was like the idea of intimacy was just too much for him at the moment, especially after what Kamapua’amon had said. So he had been letting Malie and Kama have a bit of space so they could work out that bombshell..

“God…. I’m still fucking feeling like everything is made of wet cement..”

("Tell me about it,") thought Renamon, the only sign she gave that she wasn't still asleep.

Al could hear movement outside the room; the small pitter-patter of clawed feet shuffling close to the door.

("It's Gammamon. Saw him trying to sneak in when your mom was checking on us.")

(“Oh I see..”) he almost cracked a smile, but it turned into a pained grimace.

(“Are you hungry baby girl..?”)

The vulpine's tail twitched. ("...Maybe a little.")


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